You know, the dessert to beat all desserts? The creme de la creme? The one you only have if you go out somewhere fancy? That was me last night. Or at least what I felt like.
In ordinary life, I’m just ordinary ice cream. Houlton Farms orange pineapple preferrably. You know. You’ve seen me. Jeans, hoodie, catch me on a good day and my hair might look slightly less than electrocuted. Fruity and chunky at the same time. Delicious right?
But holy crap. Last night I got that fancy layer on the outside. I turned into Baked Alaska.
I know, I could’ve gone with the whole Cinderella analogy. Be real. I’m a foodie.
What am I blathering on about? Last night, this girl, orange pineapple me, got honored with something amazing. Cooks on Main was awarded with Business of the Year at our annual Chamber Dinner. Can you freaking believe it? (Neither can I). I don’t know what they were thinking.
And ya know what? I kinda blew it. I mean, I was prepared. I wore sneakers so I didn’t trip and end up with a concussion. I knew ahead of time, so I had time to prepare something to say (which I did). But……….
I didn’t read it. I stood up in front of people I know. Some of them very well. And I froze. If you know me you’re scratching your head thinking what?! She talks to anyone and everyone. Not last night apparently. Someone told me to picture someone out there naked. Classic trick right? Nope. Because I couldn’t even focus my eyes. So stumble through it is what I did. Forgot everything that I had written down. But there are so many that have made this store become what it is, and it’s not fair that I get to be Baked Alaska and they don’t. So here goes - the “speech that wasn’t meant to be”.
“I was going to start with I don’t know what to say, but we all know that’s not usually the case.
And to follow that up, my mind wanders - a lot - so keep me on track and under 20 minutes.
But in all seriousness, my mind was blown when Jane told me about the award.
I mean, I never set out for this, but here we are. I’m just so glad that my hometown has such an inviting atmosphere. We have such a great community and it’s only getting better.
When I moved into my first store in the Fishman Mall, I had an adorable space that I could call my own. But I could only cram so much into it. And then along came Randi and Ira and their beautiful Drug Store. I’m a goldfish and grew to the size of my tank. It’s what I do. Thank God for my cardboard guy (husband) Nick.
I love that I can go to work and not call it work. Because it’s fun to me. You guys make it that way.
I love that I can send people to other businesses to shop - and that others do the same. We support each other and that’s what makes our town the best!
Ideas and events get tossed around like rice at a wedding. We partner with each other for events, promotions and solutions to problems.
That’s why we all succeed. Teamwork makes the dream work baby.
The businesses in Houlton feed off each other. Literally. I’ve gained 15 pounds from Judy’s bread and Sadie’s Donuts.
I don’t know what else I can say other than Thank You.
Thank you for being what makes this town awesome.
Thank you for saying that’s a great idea - do it.
Thank you for putting up with me and my special kind of crazy.
And the biggest thank you for just being amazing Houlton!”
That’s it guys. That was the thank you to all of you that Public Speaking in college was supposed to prepare me for. Guess that class didn’t really stick.
But all in all. If you’re not a Greater Houlton Chamber member YOU SHOULD BE! Our chamber ROCKS the hell out of everything they do. Somehow they manage to take a rag tag group of us weirdos and pull us all together into something resembling cool and fun.
Last night was beautiful. From the tables to the food and yes, even the introductions and thank you speeches. Because not everyone is a redhead that turns pinker than her shirt and stumbled and shakes. You ALL are amazing! The Lincolns, Carleton Project and Dayna - woooohoooooo!!!! If I could have whistled I would have.
Now on to our next order of business……when does the dairy bar open? I’m craving orange pineapple ice cream!